Tuesday, April 18, 2006

"Homemade Taste in a Bottle"

I'm not gettting paid for this by the way.

When I find a good product on the market or an awesome place to shop/eat (especially locally owned) I like to spread the word. The word today is "peach." As in... Sweet Leaf brand peach tea. I discovered it at a healthy store where I like to shop and decided it to be worthy of a plug. It's "all natural" and it does have sugar but it's "pure cane sugar" so that's supposed to be better I guess. The best part is the picture of the portly grandma on the label! This tea tastes amazing!! I can almost compare it to Publix brand peach tea (which is sooo yummy, but I'm sure does not contain pure cane sugar. . . it's more like 1/2 a gallon of pure sugar alone!)
So far I've only found Sweet Leaf in the 16 oz. bottle. I kinda hope it does not come in gallon form because I really need to be drinking water more. (I would do a plug for water too but I think pretty much everybody knows about it.)


Anonymous said...

AWESOME! I will have to try it! Rooks Good! You SHOULD get paid for this. Not saying i'll pay ya or anything, but you should. Love ya! :o)

Anonymous said...

Your blog is better than Josh's

Yancy said...

Great blog!! The Frantz kids were all blessed with talent.